How To Conduct A Chakra Energy Scan
How does energy work?
The 7 Main Chakras
Going back to ancient times, people believed that humans radiated energy around their bodies. In the metaphysical community, this is called an aura. Modern science has proven that our bodies produce energy through the major health systems in our bodies, creating an electromagnetic field that surrounds us. We now know that energy has a multitude of frequencies, most of which go unnoticed by our senses.
Human energy is most powerful around major systems in our body, running from the base of the spine to the top of our heads. Ancient teachings from India call these energy centers chakras.
These chakras represent the unity of our physical being with our emotional and spiritual selves. Each chakra correlates to different facets of wellness. Study of these energy centers through a meditation and healing practice can significantly increase your wellbeing on all three planes: mind, body, and soul.
People are sensitive to their environment and are constantly bumping into other energies, energy from other living beings, and other unseen energetic waves from natural and technological sources.
This means that factors in our environment can impact us on an energetic level. Ideally, we are emitting and consuming energy at a high vibrational state. When we are in this state, we feel harmonious with the world around us. We feel free to spend our time and energy seeking out and receiving love.
However, our energy can get knocked into a low vibrational state through environmental factors such as a fight, environmental pollution, or spending too much time watching TV. When this happens, we can experience a variety of ailments including feelings of anxiety, depression, headaches, disturbing dreams, sleeplessness, and much more. The way our environment impacts each one of us is unique, so it is beneficial to attune yourself to sensing your own energy.
Once you can start sensing which chakras are in alignment versus which ones are blocked, you can focus your healing efforts to regain energetic balance. You will learn a simple yet powerful technique in this article. However, if you feel called, you can take your practice further by reading the next article where you’ll find out how to heal with the use of crystals.
How do you sense energy?
Everyone can learn to become more sensitive to energy, it’s simply about developing your spiritual gifts. The easiest and most effective way to sense energy is through the use of your hands.
Your hands are already sensitive to energy and can be trained to become energetic sensors for your chakras. It’s helpful to do an activation exercise first because it heightens your awareness and helps you focus on your hands. It’s up to you whether you want to repeat this exercise before each energy-sensing session or if one activation is enough for you.
Hand Activation Technique
Get started in a comfortable setting somewhere that you won’t be disturbed. Feel free to turn on instrumental music or nature sounds. Then, sit on a chair or bolster where you can be comfortable. You need to sit up straight so your spine is in alignment. Once settled, follow these steps.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
Softly open your eyes and using a clockwise motion, draw the shape of a spiral on your non-dominant hand with the index finger of your other hand.
Feel the energy in your hand activate. If you don’t feel anything, continue drawing the spiral for a few more moments.
Your hand will become highly perceptive to energy which can feel like cold, heat, tingles, pressure, or an inner knowing. You may also sense flashes of light, color, or even certain smells or tastes. It’s ok if you don’t perceive any changes, you can build up energy sensitivity over time by repeating this exercise. Simply trust that the hand activation worked and follow your intuition to conduct the chakra scan.
Chakra Energy Scan
Now you are ready to conduct a chakra energy scan.
Place your non-dominant hand in front of you, hovering about 4-6 inches away from your body.
Starting at the base of your spine, hold your hand at the root chakra for 10 seconds.
Then slowly guide your hand upward, pausing at each chakra for 10 seconds.
Sense the energy at each chakra noticing any changes from chakra to chakra ending at the crown chakra at the top of your head.
Once you are done with the scan, think about the sensations in your hand. In which chakra(s) did you feel the least energy?
Note the sensations that you felt at each energy center. Click here for a helpful handout to record the sensations in each chakra.
Take careful note of what you sensed at each chakra. The weakest and most uncomfortable sensations are indicators that certain chakras are out of balance and require energetic healing.
Healing Your Chakras
Using the steps in the activation sequence, activate the energy in your dominant hand. Once completed, place your dominant hand on any chakra that needs attention. Then take a minute and send love and healing to that chakra to get it back in balance.
Chakra energy sensing is a beautiful practice that can be incorporated into your meditation routine or conducted after the cool down from your exercise regimen. It takes only a few minutes to complete the exercise and is a powerful tool to improve your overall wellbeing.
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