Courtnay's Crystals
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GO from crystal curious to crystal confident

Learn the 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 technique you’ll ever need to sense the energy of crystals and decode their messages.


The Masterclass, Sensing the Energy of Crystals, will help you navigate through the world of crystals.

Figuring out how to work with crystals can be confusing. With over 4,000 different crystals on Earth and almost as many crystal guides out there, the search for understanding can seem overwhelming. Each practitioner provides contradictory advice and trying to memorize crystal meanings gets boring.

It’s time that you get the clarity you want and learn how to find out the healing properties of crystals for yourself. This class will make it simple and fun to tap into the energy of crystals.

This Masterclass is for you if you want to:

  • Increase your confidence when working with crystals.

  • Expand your spiritual gifts using crystals.

  • Create a more robust practice with crystals.

PLUS you'll learn:

  • The technique to identify your power chakra and why it’s important.

  • A framework to help you identify spiritual gifts and your connection with crystals.

  • How to connect with the energy of crystals and the secret to decoding messages from crystals.

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"I loved this class. I am not very energy sensitive and your guidance on the different ways we may feel a crystal's energy and using our clairs was incredibly helpful. I was so excited to feel the crystal's energy (it was different than I expected) and experience my power chakra." - Shioban

“I have accepted that what I receive from crystals will be just knowing and not words or images. I am a cognitive person. My talent has always been “knowing” how ideas are connected. I don’t know why I expected something different [with crystals]. So, I know that when I need it the messages will come forth.” - Dawn

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For $45, You Will Receive: 

  • The class recording of Sensing the Energy of Crystals to learn the only technique you need to feel the energy of crystals and learn to decode crystal messages.

  • A Clear Quartz Attunement to amplify your connection with crystals.

  • A PDF workbook to guide you through class including a handout on "The Clairs" telling you what the heck they are and why they're so important.

  • You'll get the free guide, Talking to the Spirit of Crystals in case you don’t have it already. It contains step-by-step instructions on the technique used in the masterclass and a reference guide with over 130 crystals and their properties!

Watch as many times as you wish with this On-Demand Virtual Class!

The class is BYOC (Bring Your Own Crystal) and a piece of Clear Quartz that fits in your hand is recommended for this interactive journey.

You'll also want:

  • A comfortable place to sit or lie down.

  • A pen and paper.

  • If you don't have Clear Quartz, no problem. Grab any crystal or specimen from nature. Students also enjoy working with their favorite shells, rocks, or feathers.

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 Expand Your Intuition. Develop Your Spiritual Gifts. Get Messages from Your Crystals.


Email with any questions.