Courtnay's Crystals
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Bring your crystal bestie and find the magic inside of healing stones and crystals.


How To Connect With Crystal Magic is an interactive two-hour class that will teach you how to use crystals more effectively in your practice. You’ll be guided through the world of crystals to connect deeply with their healing energy.

You’ll learn shortcuts and tips that will help you leverage the awesome power of crystals to expand your intuitive gifts.

This class is for you if one or more of the following speaks to you:

  • Crystals call to you but you’re not quite sure what to do with them

  • You have questions about crystals but don’t know who to ask

  • You use crystals in your spiritual practice and you want to deepen your work with them

  • You want to find an easy way to work with crystals that doesn’t take up a lot of your time and energy

  • You like having fun with a group of like minded, kind hearted, spiritual women

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“I loved that this class was essentially an activation for intuitively connecting with the energy of crystals. I have already connected with several crystals and feel like I don’t need to rely on someone else or conflicting information on the internet so much anymore. The crystal healing was such a wonderful bonus to the class too!” - Anonymous

”Courtnay created a safe and inviting space to learn. I loved the structure, pacing and activities. I highly recommend individual and group sessions to anyone, novice or expert.” - Debra

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By signing up for this class you will:

  • Gain access to the live class How To Connect With Crystal Magic to journey with crystals and increase your intuition. A recording will be made available within 48 hours of the class.

  • Receive chakra healing and attunement with crystals.

  • Learn the language of crystals.

  • Journey with the spirit of Clear Quartz (or whatever crystal you are intuitively called to bring).

Join live on April 19, 2022 at 7pm ET via Zoom.

The class is BYOC (Bring Your Own Crystal) and a piece of Clear Quartz that fits in your hand is recommended for this interactive journey.

You'll also want:

  • A comfortable place to sit or lie down.

  • A pen and paper.

  • If you don't have Clear Quartz, no problem. Grab any crystal or specimen from nature. Students also enjoy working with their favorite shells, rocks, or feathers.

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