How To Develop Your Spiritual Gifts

Develop Your Spiritual Gifts

Taking your gifts to the next level requires a relationship with the divine and a deeper understanding of yourself. Everyone interprets information from our environment and experiences differently so developing spiritual gifts is an individualized experience.

My clients come to me with a wide range of talents and unique gifts but there are two main challenges that they face:

  1. Being able to receive messages from Spirit.

  2. Figuring out how to interpret those messages.

Once you have mastered those two abilities, it makes amplifying your spiritual gifts so much easier. When you are able to push past blocks and freely communicate with Spirit, your gifts naturally start to unfold.

The easiest way that I have found to explain how communication with Spirit works is through “The Clairs”. The Clair Framework addresses communication abilities beyond the 5 senses. The Clair Framework is an important foundational tool to understand how to use your senses to gather and interpret spiritual information.

Science has defined five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. When these information-gathering abilities are used for metaphysical purposes, these become "The Clairs". The one that you may be most familiar with is Clairvoyance but there are 6 others that are helpful to learn. Clair means clear in French so translated Clairvoyance means "Clear Sight" and there is a “Clair” to describe each of the traditional 5 senses and 2 intuitive abilities.

Most practitioners notice that one or two of these are the strongest. The goal is to review each one to identify your natural abilities. Once you feel comfortable working with your strongest abilities, you can work with Spirit to develop others if you wish.

If you have had difficulty communicating with Spirit in the past, it is very likely that you are experiencing one of these four common blocks.

  • Expecting your experience to be like someone else's.

  • Dismissing subtle energy as nothing or not enough.

  • Missing signs, sensations.

  • Trying to force something to happen.

As much as possible, come to the Clairs with an open mind especially if you have had challenges developing your spiritual gifts. Oftentimes teachers are only able to demonstrate their way of developing spiritual gifts but this may not be effective for everyone. There is nothing wrong with the teacher, likely they are successful because they attract students with similar gifts to themselves. There is also nothing wrong with the student that doesn’t relate to a style of teaching, it simply means that there is another method out there that will resonate more with that individual.

For example, when I say I talk to crystals, it is very rare that I hear them communicating with me as in a normal conversation. Instead, I get feelings, images, and channeled information which I then translate into words for myself and my clients to be able to understand and take action on messages. Once I realized what my gifts were (Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, and Claircognizance), I could then access them and strengthen them. Previously, I felt blocked because I could not physically feel the energy of crystals or hear words coming from them.

One of my clients with a similar ability to talk to crystals gets vivid images from them (the gift of Clairvoyance). Her challenge was learning how to interpret that information. Once we worked together, she was able to translate those messages into powerful remedies for her friends and clients.

Even with similar-sounding abilities, each individual experience can feel very different. As you explore your gifts, remember to give yourself a lot of credit for even the smallest sensations. It is very common to feel very little or nothing at all. The more you work at your gifts, and are self-compassionate and patient in the process, the more clear sensations and messages will become.

Without further ado, let’s dig into each Clair.

Amplify Your Gifts

The Clair Framework

Clairvoyance: Clear Sight

Clairvoyance is the ability to receive visual messages such as images (still or moving), colors, symbols, and shapes from the divine. What is most commonly portrayed in the media is the ability to see life-like images and representations as though the Universe was giving you a movie trailer clearly depicting spirits, prophetic visions, and messages. This is very rarely the case. Oftentimes, a person with this gift will be given glimpses of visions, often abstract, that must then be interpreted.

Clairaudience: Clear Hearing

Clairaudience is the ability to receive divine messages through hearing. Messages can come through in words, full conversations, a song that addresses your intention, or again in more symbolic ways like tones, instrumental music, and so on. When conversing with spirit, the sounds you hear can be as clear as though someone was sitting next to you having a conversation but don’t be discouraged if they are more muted and sometimes difficult to understand.

Clairsentience: Clear Feeling

People that communicate with the Divine in this way can sense the energy of the environment, spirits, and people connected to them emotionally. They are highly attuned to emotions and often feel for themselves what other people or spirits are feeling. They can sense when something is off and understand the energy of the environment around them.

Also included under Clairsentience is the ability to feel physical sensations when communicating with Spirit. People with this gift may feel chills, pressure, unexplained fluctuations in temperature, and other physical sensations when they are channeling information from Spirit.

Clairtangency: Clear Touching

Clairtangency is the ability to sense energy through physically touching something; a person, object, or creature. Intense and clear messages can be conveyed about an object such as its history, previous owners, and other helpful guidance it has to share. Psychic links can also be created with animals and other people through Clairtangency.

Claircognizance: Clear Knowing

Perhaps the most difficult to describe, Claircognizance is divine inner knowing. Some examples of this can be fact-checked when someone knows about events, people, or subject matter that is unlikely for that person to know. Oftentimes it is more abstract and can feel like an "aha" moment; the clarity of knowing the truth about... well... anything. People with this ability oftentimes appear prophetic (and frequently are). Additionally, they predict the outcomes of cause and effect with great accuracy.

Clairalience: Clear Smelling

Those that use Clairalience, follow their nose. They smell energetic shifts and may be able to smell a person or spirit's signature that isn’t physically present. Someone that uses this ability may be able to smell the perfume of their grandma on occasion even if she person has passed on. Pleasant smells may represent good omens or energy and foul odors can be warnings and signals of bad juju.

Clairgustance: Clear Tasting

People that can taste something that isn't there are tapping into Clairgustance. Spirit is trying to communicate messages or evoke memories by placing the flavor of something on one's tongue. Clairgustance is one of the least common Clairs but most frequently found in people that love cooking and eating.

Navigating Your Spiritual Gifts

At one point or another, you will interact with Spirit in each of these ways. You will notice that one or two of these are already much stronger than the others. This is helpful information to know as it is a key to fully understanding your unique spiritual gift(s). Your prominent Clairs will help you navigate the spiritual world and the world around you. Deeply understanding the way Spirit communicates with you makes it easier to interpret messages and create your own language with the Divine.

Directions to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts

Explore your spiritual gifts

If communicating directly with Spirit is new to you, it may take some time to make sense of your Clairs especially if the messages you are receiving are ambiguous. Start with the strongest ability, the one that is the most natural.

The first thing that you are going to do is ask Spirit to show you yes and no. For Clairvoyance, you may be shown green for yes and red for no. For other gifts, it could be a tickle on your nose for yes and tightness in your pinky toe for no, or the smell of roses could be yes, the smell of lemons is a no, and so on.

These are a few examples but feel free to co-create a yes/no system with Spirit that feels compelling and easy for you to use. You can send requests for exactly what you want to Spirit. You may be surprised to find how accommodating the divine is when you show a desire to cultivate a relationship.

Once you have a yes/no system figured out, start testing it with messages you receive from the divine.

Messages can come from a multitude of places like meditation, repeating numbers, dreams, or strong intuitive nudges.

Once you receive messages from Spirit, it’s time to start interpreting them. Let your intuition guide you and start making guesses at their meaning. The easiest way to do this is to:

  • Say things out loud.

  • Write things down.

  • Draw the messages and meanings.

  • Find a friend or family member to practice with.

As you do this, pay attention to your yes/no signals from Spirit. A yes signal during your exercise means you are on the right track. If you're stuck and getting a no signal, ask Spirit for guidance.

Over time, you should notice patterns emerge and you'll start to understand what each thing means (colors, smells, sounds, etc.) The more you practice, the more natural your abilities will feel.

If you want to develop your spiritual gifts even further, take a look at my most popular class, Sensing the Energy of Crystals. You’ll learn more about the clairs, connect to your intuition, and learn the secret to talking to crystals. To learn more, click here.

Courtnay Francis