Supercharge Your Word of the Year With Crystals

What is your word of the year?

Last year was the first year that I picked a word of the year. In the past, I had half-heartedly thought of a resolution, usually to be “healthier”. Which, without any specificity or goals in mind, I always felt like I fell short of my intentions.

I found that picking a word of the year had more benefits than a New Year’s resolution. The word had a deep and personal meaning to me and it gave me inspiration, strength, and discipline when I needed it.

Before the New Year started, I decided to pair my word with a crystal. It would serve as a reminder to fully embrace and embody my word of the year. Having something tangible to work with really helped me. The crystal I chose, Lapis Lazuli, truly encapsulated the energy of the word I chose, queen.

A friend gave me a piece of Lapiz Lazuli from his collection and I found myself grasping for it during key times throughout the year. It sat on my altar space and it was a constant reminder of the energy that I wanted to embody. I worked with it in meditations and sometimes as a worry stone; it opened up my third eye and helped me connect to my inner self. I reclaimed the parts of myself that I put away; previously thinking I had outgrown them. By working with Lapis Lazuli, I was able to merge the best parts of my past self with the best parts of my wiser, older self to embrace life and enjoy it fully.

Combining the energy of Lapis Lazuli with the word queen has helped me release many of my people-pleasing tendencies so that I could set healthy boundaries, reclaim my power, and become more confident. This past year was extremely transformative and I feel more like my authentic self than ever.

This year, I have chosen the word flow to be my word of the year. I hope to embody a freer approach to life; going after what I want but not getting tied up in the results. My goal is to let go of control and allow life to take me where I need to go. I found that in my efforts to control situations, I have missed opportunities or had to learn valuable lessons the hard way. This coming year will be a delicate balance between learning to let go of ego and exuding confidence. The question that I will be asking a lot is, “Is it important for me to get my way on this, or can I be more flexible?” For this mighty undertaking, I am working with my unicorn carved out of Blue Lace Agate. It is already on my altar but I will be moving it to a place of honor so it can be a constant reminder of the magic and mysteries that the universe holds.

If you love this idea, I’ve offered some word of the year and crystal pairings below. You can make your own Word of the Year Altar or add a crystal to your vision board. Get creative in the ways that you work with your crystal and your word. You never know what inspiration could come up.

Find your word of the year below:

Abundance: Honey Calcite

Balance: Petrified Wood

Boundaries: Black Tourmaline 

Creativity: Carnelian 

Dream: Amethyst 

Illumination: Apophyllite

Intuition: Azurite 

Journey: Serpentine 

Joy: Ruby in Fuchsite 

Expansion: Moss Agate

Freedom: Turquoise

Flow: Blue Lace Agate

Focus: Black Onyx

Love: Rhodochrosite 

Passion: Ruby

Permission: Rose Quartz

Play: Green Aventurine

Power: Citrine 

Queen: Lapis Lazuli

Release: Smoky Quartz 

Transformation: Agate

Visibility: Aquamarine 

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Courtnay Francis