The Best Crystals for Beginners

Why does the world of crystals have to be so complicated? 

Well, it does and it doesn’t. There are over 4,700 crystals that have been discovered so naturally that much variety can cause overwhelm.

Also, each crystal has special properties that people have discovered through channeling and talking to crystals. (Yes, these are real things, I do them all the time!) But you don’t need to be a crystal whisperer to unlock the secret powers of crystals. Nor do you have to collect them all in order to manifest, receive the benefits of crystal healing, or create rituals.

I know other crystal retailers don’t want you to know this but I think it’s important to state clearly: You do not need a crystal for every intention or ailment that you have. 

Crystals carry their own intelligence so one crystal can do many things. Crystals are formed over millions of years and are record keepers of information. They contain the history of the earth and universal elements predating the earth. It’s true, crystals, like humans, are made of stardust!

What I’m trying to say while also tickling your brain with fun science facts is that crystals contain more information than we can even imagine possible. We’re tapping into a fraction of their potential when we only go by the properties that have been defined. You don’t need to limit yourself by the definitions and messages that are given to you by crystal experts, authors, or even me. 

Crystal properties and resources are helpful to create guidance especially at first. However, the more you work with crystals, the more that you will be amazed at how much they can actually do.

A Simple Collection for Big Impact

I’m a huge proponent of investing in a few crystals that you really love and allowing them to do all the work for you. Purchasing the right crystals can help you cover a lot of ground in your spiritual practice. 

In crystal healing sessions, I typically use 7 crystals, one for each chakra. In those sessions, my clients have huge transformations. Two of my clients have told me that they were able to break free of their panic attacks after one session. (Again that’s 7 crystals and 60 minutes!) Another client used a chakra kit I had given to her as a gift to manifest 7 intentions over the course of one year including a new job and a raise.

It took me years of practice to prove that it does not take a large collection to work a whole lot of magic with crystals. In fact, even one crystal can make a huge impact on your spiritual practice. Clear Quartz is the “Master Healer” and basically it can do it all. It is the Swiss Army Knife of crystals which is why it’s my #1 recommended crystal for beginners.

Get Started With Multipurpose Crystals

Start your collection with these versatile crystals and you’ll be set for years to come. Ok, you may love working with them so much that you’ll want to buy more crystals but you won’t need to.

  • Clear Quartz amplifies intentions. This means that you can program the energy of the crystal to do just about anything. Working with it is simple. Write an intention down on a piece of paper. Hold your piece of Clear Quartz in both hands and say your intention out loud. Then put your piece of paper under your crystal and repeat the process daily… or as frequently as you remember to do so. Clear Quartz will amplify your intention and you’ll start seeing major progress within a month.

  • Selenite is a high vibrational stone that is used to purify and clear energy. It can clear the energy of other crystals, your home, and yourself. I love it as a crystal in the beginner’s toolkit because it helps reduce anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. It often comes in long sticks so you can hold it like a wand as you hover it over any crystal, object, or space you want to clear. Use it in sweeping motions around your body to remove bad energy from your aura. Consistent practice will help you enjoy a high vibrational state or what I call “healthy energy hygiene”.

  • Rose Quartz is the love stone and encourages feelings of self-love, nurtures the bonds of a relationship, and heals emotional wounds. To activate the energy of rose quartz, hold it against your heart and take three deep breaths. Repeat this simple yet powerful ritual any time you want to heal an achy heart or feel more connected to the energy of love.

  • Natural Citrine is often called the money stone as it clears away obstacles so money can flow freely to you. Place a $2 bill under a piece of citrine. Hover both of your hands over the citrine and think of a time when you received a large amount of money. Repeat this process every Thursday (this is an especially good day for money) to watch your bank account increase.

  • Black Tourmaline is a grounding stone that draws upon the energy of Mother Earth to provide protection from others that may cause you harm. This is a great stone to get multiples of so you can have it with you at all times. Keep smaller pieces to carry with you in your purse, your car, and your workspace to ward off negative energies. To protect your home and family, place a piece of Black Tourmaline in each corner of your home. 

Track Your Progress

It helps to keep a notepad close to your crystals when you’re starting out. Track what you’re using each crystal for and how you feel when you are using it. A few notes here and there are helpful; it doesn’t need to be complicated. I also recommend dating each entry so you can reflect on your progress over time. 

Conducting daily or weekly rituals with crystals can cause big shifts in your life. Be on the lookout for good things on the horizon when you start working with crystals.

When you’re ready to take your crystal practice to the next level, you’ll love the Masterclass, Sensing the Energy of Crystals. Learn more here.

Courtnay Francis